Our Earth, What If…

Our planet is living consciousness. The earth not only supports and sustains all physical life, but absorbs its negative energies and records its memories within its foundation. It gives life and nourishment, thus earning its name as Mother Earth. The minerals and nutrients that support the growth of our trees and plants, in turn, allow us to breath in air filled with the oxygen they produce. The plants breathe in the carbon dioxide we exhale. Our planet is the complete kit, everything available to fulfill our needs.

The earth is continuously giving, but do we ever really think about what we can give back to the planet? More often, the focus is on what best serves us. Think about it…Remember, changing our world begins with changing our minds, our actions, one at a time. Today, let that one be you.

What If… Everyone decided that the world was filled with enough negativity, high drama and fear and chose to pull their energy out of media that incites, propagates and encourages lower fear based vibration? Remember, the earth absorbs our energy and when it builds, must release it. This would be a selfless act of goodness for our planet and for humanity.

What If…Everyone decided to dramatically cut down on buying things made of plastic which is toxic to our environment, our health and non bio-degradable in our landfills? What they don’t tell you about plastic is that it has a life cycle in recycling. I recently went out and bought mason jars for all of my food storage. I can’t believe I didn’t do this years ago. They can go in the refrigerator or freezer. I also started canning vegetables from the market. Food storage jars are recyclable indefinitely. They are safer for food use.

What If…We started checking into what is and what is not recyclable and what the benefits and negatives are in the recycling process of that material? A good number of people are committed to recycling today but are unaware of what their efforts produce. For example, not all glass is created equal. Your stemware and decorative glass is not recyclable in the same way your food storage jars are. Plastic has a lifespan of only a few recycled lives. Many things are picked up by your recycling provider and then discarded. You need to know where your recycling is going.

What If…We decided to educate ourselves about what it takes to create a landfill? I was shocked to learn what truly went into creating a landfill and how short the time of usage was. At the rate we are consuming, I can’t imagine what the future holds for landfills and our beautiful earth.

What If…The world market was less consumed with greed and more concerned with creating a relevant lasting product? I know many of you can relate…I bought a beautiful front load washer, spending ridiculous amounts of money. It died right at 3 years. I bought another brand of front load, thinking this must be better. At 2 years, every part in the washer was replaced under warranty. I thought plastic washers and dryers were little Tikes toys for children! Can you imagine the landfills with todays appliances alone?

What If…We decided to be more conscious in our buying? I have a guilty past of being an impulse buyer. I appreciate and love beautiful things. I believe we should all live in comfort, surrounded by things that are meaningful to us. It is important to create a sacred space in your home. It is where we rejuvenate our energy through sleep, relaxation, family and meditation. We need to pick and consciously choose the things in our lives. When you see something in the store or in shopping online, unless you know, wait a day or ask if it is yours. Yes, we do have shopping angels if we ask.

What If…We cleared our clutter and recycled our things? I’ve always been aware of what clutter does to our energy. My poor children grew tired of me releasing their no longer played with toys or clothes (sometimes before they felt they were totally finished). We change as we grow and new things and colors now nourish our new energy. I have been a lover of garage sales and resale, especially when our family was young. I have always felt very strongly, that there is someone that now desires what you release. I am amazed at how many people just throw everything away. Its easier. And, it creates even more in our landfills. Donate if you want to rotate.

What If…We began to focus less on what we can get and more on what we can give.

What If, We All Chose to Live a Life of Positivity, Stepping Out of the Box of Negative Thought and Words…

What if… is an ongoing project looking for ways in which we all might participate in creating a more sustainable and beneficial environment for our planet and humanity. We would love to hear your ideas and things you have changed in your life to benefit the whole. Submit in Comments under Prayer Request.

What If, we all began to realize that true freedom is in understanding higher wisdom and the oneness of all things in God.


July World Light, Awakening the Heart of Man


One Light, Many Paths