We are Energy Beings, Body, Mind and Spirit
Life is vibration. Everything in life, including our thoughts is vibrating at a given frequency. Our spirit lives in a body made up of cells with living, responsive, consciousness, all working together to create the perfect anatomic and physiologic balance within our body. Each of our 50 trillion cells is designed for renewal and regeneration. This miraculous body is also designed to protect our energy through the creation of energetic and neurologic pathways that act to alert us when we are out of balance. “Healing” is a return to our Original State of Wholeness or Holiness.
The cells of our body react not only to physical burden, but to our mental and emotional energies. Stress, anger and fear related thoughts lower our vibration and create dis-ease within our body. Higher vibrational thoughts of love, peace, joy and beauty lift our vibration and create positive physiologic actions within our body.
Guided Light Meditation is a wonderful healing tool for our bodies, creating balance physically, mentally and emotionally. Divine light holds the vibration of perfection. Energy follows thought. Love + Intention, directed thought, are Key factors in healing our bodies. We all have access and the ability to connect with divine light.
*Free audio Healing Light Meditation-Body Systems is located on our Meditation page
CATS Healing
A 90 minute CATS healing begins with a guided light meditation. It includes Chakra Balancing, Christ Light or Reiki, followed by a Spiritual Consultation.
CATS Healing $85.00
Appointments are limited.
Crystal Light Therapy
Crystal light therapy utilizes the vibration of Sound, Color and Crystals for healing and balancing the bodies energetic system of chakras on a physical, mental and emotional level.
The Color bed consists of quartz and specialty stones known for their healing properties. 2-3 Color Gel Lights are utilized on specific sites on the body.
This 50 minute healing is $50.00
Healing appointments are limited
Reiki is an ancient tibetan healing founded in Japan by a man named Dr. Usui. It was later brought to the United States by an amazing woman, Hawayo Takata.
The beauty of Rei-Universal Ki-Life Force Energy is that it is natural. The cells of our body know this energy.
A reiki practitioner, depending on their source of initiation and level of mastery, channels this energy in exponential quantities. The natural energy is drawn by the recipient and utilized in the body where needed.
60 minute Reiki Session $75
*See reiki initiations on Classes page