July World Light, Awakening the Heart of Man

We live in a world of diverse perceptions, values and opinions. It is not uncommon to have moments of feeling totally alien or separate in our world. The common denominator of Man or Soul is the light within that connects us all with our Higher Truth and Being. This spark of Christ light trickling through our Higher Self and Soul connects us with the energy and/or Consciousness of God. In that light, we are ONE.

This month, we will be planting foundational seeds of awakening the heart or inner flame of mankind. In a world of experience, lesson and growth, many have become unaware of the eternal light within their heart. Though it can never be extinguished, I have often found as an energy healer that it can become silent or hidden within heavy layers of belief, emotion and subsequent attachment through judgement of self, our experiences and others.

We have the power to close our hearts and create a world of separation. And only we have the power to open our hearts again to life’s blessings. We change our life through connection with our inner light. As we take our focus from the outer world within our life begins to shift from me to we, from mine to divine, from moan to I’ve grown, knowing that to truly live is by beginning to forgive. Until we are each ready to claim our true spirit and light, we will not be the world we wish to see.

Under Inspiration this month we are going to look at some of the common energies that affect the heart chakra and create a cloud of energy around our heart light including emotional trauma or hurt, resentment, regret, and grief. As we uncover the inner flame and allow our light to grow in our daily activities and life we begin to experience a sense of inner peace. It is the peace within that differentiates the wisdom of the master vs the knowledge of man.

I hope you enjoy your heart exploration this month and may you be blessed with a growing brilliant inner flame of love and peace that inspires those in your life.

For personal growth and world service, see our July World Light Meditation, Awakening the Heart of Man under Meditation.


August World Light, Mindful-Full Mind Creation in “Manifesting Our Dreams”


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