Our World is rebelling in the arena of Religion. Many have outgrown the concepts of power and fear based religious societies and have labeled religion in general as outdated. Unfortunately, we have also eliminated a part of our essential being, our Spirituality, severing the connection and wellness of living a spiritual life. A Spiritual foundation encourages us to connect into our individual truth and gifts, allowing us to share them freely with the world.
So what is Religion, Spirituality, and Metaphysics? As a minister, I am going to attempt to explain this concept to the best of my ability.
Religion is an agreed upon set of beliefs regarding the relationship of God, Man, Community and Moral Stature. It is based upon the needs of the time morally, politically, and economically. It is often based upon traditions, past experiences and history. Our experiences in any given time define our perceptions. Note also, that our perceptions in any given time define our experiences. Religion is often based on the spiritual experiences of one or more in the group. We see a common thread of truth flowing through most religions of the world, but religion of itself is man made. As man evolves, his religion evolves.
The bible and other sacred documents of history contain many truths and beautiful lessons for life, but the interpretation varies greatly through mans perception. The Bible is written in layers of truth ready for us to grow and understand in our own time. When we read the Bible, we have the opportunity to examine the words literally, symbolically (life lessons), and or metaphysically interpreting the underlying energy within the words and experiences and how they relate to life and mans growth.
Spirituality is a journey of self-reflection and connection with the purity of our higher spirit (our individual light that has never left the heart of God), God, and the angelic realm. Through this connection we may gain insight or guidance. We can access healing light, inner strength and our creative power. As we learn to lift in consciousness through prayer and meditation, the experience of God, though personal, also becomes Universal. Man comes closer to becoming one with the truth of God.
Spirit U Ality, Spirit is our true reality. We are Soul, we are Spirit. We are One with God and the light. We are here to grow our spirit through experience on the earth plane. Spirituality is about going within our hearts to discover self and life. We are all at different places in our spiritual growth and reality. My experience of God is one of unconditional love and non-judgment.
Metaphysics is the study of the underlying energy in all things. In metaphysics we are taking a deeper look into that which we can not readily see. It is a spiritual and scientific observance of universal law, life and and the experiences of man. Metaphysical Spirituality calls us to take responsibility for everything we create as part of the oneness of the whole.
In studying the Bible, as well as, writings of Eastern Masters where Jesus walked and was taught, and the Aquarian Bible containing the lost years, at levels of factual, symbolic and metaphysical applications, it becomes apparent that a common thread of ancient wisdom prevails. There are many paths to the one light.
We grow through Spiritual Community, seeking out those who are like minded or inspire us to become the person we desire to be. But, to truly become the light we are meant to be, we each must take the journey within to understand Self and God.