
World Light Meditations

Meditation and Prayer for our World is a wonderful way to give back. Your voice counts. We have the ability to change or shift the energy of what we are currently creating individually and globally. Together, we are planting the seeds of a higher walk to Spiritual Wisdom.

Meditation-Self Discovery classes coming in the Fall of 2025

Meditation-Self Discovery 1

Cl-1 Prayer-Meditation-Spirituality-Religion Consciousness. Tips-Techniques for Meditation. Meditation-Meeting our Angels

Cl-2 Energy. Energy Rods. Clearing and Centering Meditation-Healing Light

Cl-3 Soul-Awareness-Intuition-Guidance Meditation-Soul Writing

Cl-4 Sound, Color, Crystals Meditation-Healing with Color


Meditation-Self Discovery 2

Cl-1 Balance-Masculine-Feminine-R-L Brain Meditation-Balancing Inner Male and Female

Cl-2 Understanding our Chakra Energy Meditation-Chakra Healing

Cl-3 Energy Investment. Energy Cords. Meditation-Cutting Energy Cords

Cl-4 Manifestation and Co-Creation Meditation-Co-Creating with God

Med-Self Discovery 3 Universal Laws

Cl -1 Automatic Laws: Law of Balance, Law of Rhythm, Law of Vacuum, Law of Giving and Receiving

Cl-2 Law of Identity, Law of Correspondence, Law of Order

Cl-3 Law of Attraction, Law of Peace

Cl-4 Choice Laws: Law of Cause and Effect, Karma, Law of Forgiveness, Law of Grace

Cl-5 Law of Love, Law of Non-Resistance

Cl-6 Law of Increase, Law of Tithing, Law of Transformation

*All Classes include Meditations for Personal Growth and Healing


Meditation-Self Discovery 4 Self Chakra Healing

Cl-1 Crown-Connecting to our Angels and Guides

Cl-2 Root-Greater Health and Vitality

Cl-3 Spleen-Passion and Creativity

Cl-4 Solar-Achievement and Manifestation

Cl-5 Heart-Greater Love

Cl-6 Throat-Expressing our Truth

Cl-7 Brow-Expanding our Vision

Cl-8 Aligning with our Perfect Path

*All classes include Meditations for Personal Growth and Healing


 Additional Classes :

Reiki 1 Initiation

Consists of 1 4 hour class plus initiation $150

Reiki 2 Initiation

Consists of 2 classes plus initiation $250

Reiki 3 Initiation

Consists of 13 classes plus initiation $800

Healing 1-Chakras

In this set of 4 classes, we learn about the beginning principles of healing, becoming a channel of light, how to protect our energy, balance chakras and perform a hand-scan reading of energy from a distance of 8 feet.

Healing 2-Reiki Intuition

Must be a 2nd degree Reiki practioner. In this set of 4 classes, we learn the energy of symbolism in healing and increase our abilities a healing intuitive.

Healing 3-CATS Healing

In the 7 classes of healing 3 we review principles of healing and chakras, become comfortable with guided meditation, learning how to perform Long Distance, Christ Light, and Interactive healing.

MAP-Metaphysical Application and Principles

In this group of classes we explore on a deeper level of relationship with self, work, family, and friends how to utilize and grow the principles we have learned.

Spiritual Intuition 1

Spiritual Intuition 2-Readings


Aquarian Gospel

Masters of the Far East

Masters Walk 1

Masters Walk 2

Communication for Spiritual Counsel

New Testament