We are energy beings. Everything in life, including our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and emotions, vibrate at a certain frequency, color and sound. Everything in life is governed by laws of energy. By understanding a few of these laws, we can begin to see how fear affects our lives.
The Law of Attraction operates based on what frequency is vibrating in our energy field. It is an automatic law, meaning that it is at work regardless of our conscious knowledge or active choice. It is not based solely on our desires and core beliefs, but the energized thoughts (beliefs) and feelings (emotions) we are vibrating in the moment. If we are vibrating fear, we will draw fear-based energy or energy that supports our fear. For example, if we are vibrating the energy of anger or aggression, we may draw anger or aggression into our lives. If we are feeling helpless or victimized, we may draw additional situations to support that belief as well as others who feel helpless and victimized. Love, kindness, support draws like in return. The Universe is very supportive with its opportunities to understand self and grow. As within, so without!
The Law of Cause and Effect is a choice law. Intention + action = effect. Our intention (charged directed thought) colors the act and determines the effect. If our intention is charged with underlying fear such as greed, anger, need to control, judgment, and so on, the effect will eventually catch up with us. If we choose to react to the effect in the same energy, it grows and becomes a vicious karmic cycle. The beauty of cause and effect is that it affords us another opportunity to see what we are vibrating and choose differently. Choosing to grow and operate in the energy of love vs fear changes our lives and thus the lives of those around us. We reap what we sow in the energy in which it is sowed!
These are only a couple of laws at work in our amazing and complicated world. The bottom line is that underlying as well as conscious fear-based energy draws and amplifies fear. Choosing love, amplifies and draws greater love and positivity into our lives.
This week live in awareness of what you are drawing in your life, positivity (love) or negativity (fear)? What effects are returning to you from charged intentions you have set in motion? Choose your reactions wisely and with growth. What would you like to draw or change? What intention would you like to set in motion?
Every time I Choose Love, it Grows and Expands in My World.
The Law of Attraction Acts as a Mirror, Allowing Me to See the Energy I am Vibrating.
As Within, so Without! The Universe Supports My Understanding of Self and Growth thru the Law of Attraction.
I Choose to Walk in Awareness of My Energy and My Choices.
I Take Responsibility for the Energy I have Created and Express. I Reap what I Sow.
I Choose Growth and Know that I Live in a Loving Supportive Universe.
The More Energy I Invest in Love, Kindness and Compassion, the Greater it Grows in My Life and the World.