2-The Many Hidden Masks of Fear

If asked today, if you would prefer fear or love to dictate the energy of your experiences and life, I bet most of you would say, “Love of Course.”  But, learning to allow love to become the driving force behind our creations and our life is often a journey, one of uncovering and releasing hidden or unacknowledged fear that we have created. 

Fear can colonize not only within our emotions, beliefs, actions, and reactions, but in our physical body as well. It propagates stress and drama in our lives.  Fear is a contagious disease, affecting our children, partners, co-workers, friends and beyond.  If left unchecked, fears opportunity to grow with each experience, colors our viewing point of the world as well as our place in it.

Beyond the scope of physical pain, discomfort, disease and death, common fears include not feeling safe, supported, or secure.  Fear can make us feel separate, alone, or a victim of life and the system. 

Fear may present as an energy of lackfear of not enough money, things, time, friends, or love in our life may lead to greed or a need to control or manipulate.  Fear can easily consume our ego and our energy making us feel small, inadequate, helpless, and unable to move forward—fear of failure.

Fear can fuel regret, resentment, and hatred—which may stem from a fear of not being seen, heard, understood and/or a fear of something new, different or change.  It may lead to premature grief and dwelling in the past—fear of losing a loved one, one’s vitality, death or life as it once was.  

Fear can prevent us from speaking or living our truth.  It is often the underlying energy of aggressive anger, judgement, and intolerance—fear of new, different or change. 

By beginning to understand some of the energies we create and expand by fear, we can begin to look at ourselves and others in new light. Remember love is the strongest vibration.  It allows for forgiveness of self and others. It opens our heart and gives us an opportunity as well as permission to let go of our fear-based energies.

This week, begin to look at your daily energy.  Can you detect any fear-based energies? Can you pinpoint an underlying fear?  Add them to your list.

I Am a Child of God (Universal Light).  I Am Loved and Supported in All Things.

Visualizing and Expressing Lack Creates Lack.  “God (Universal Light) Supplies My Needs.  

I Am Open to Higher Guidance and the Loving Support of the Universe.”

I Align My Ego with Love and Higher Purpose.

Change is the One Constant in Life.  It is an Opportunity to Grow and Create New.  I Face Change with an Attitude of Positivity.

I Realize that My Fears are Created and that they Multiply.  “I Choose to See that which is My Own and Release the Fear that Others have Shared with Me.”

I Freely Speak My Truth in an Energy of Love.


3-Understanding the Energy of Fear and How it Affects our Life


1-Defining Fear: Primary vs Secondary