4-Releasing Fear: Living Awareness—Past, Present and Future

Releasing fear is a process.  We are pulling our energy and attention from fear and choosing new.  We are choosing to change our mind and ultimately our life.  The key to this choice is “Living Awareness.”  Awareness affords us the opportunity to see what we are currently creating, how we may have put it into motion, and where it could be leading us.  By looking to the past for understanding, living in the present, and knowing how we would like to visualize our future, life becomes enriched in the creative process.

The Past is not a place for dwelling.  Along with wonderful memories of experiences we have created, the past is simply a reference point.  It can hold valuable information on how our life has come to be in this moment of time and the energy surrounding it.  It is a learning tool to guide us to what we would like to create.

The Present is where life exists.  We have all heard the importance of living in the moment.  In reality, this moment in time has already passed, but how we choose to embody it dictates our present, our past and our future.  We can create beautiful memories, enact growth, and put forth positive energy for future experiences.  Or we can react to life with negativity and fear creating negative past, present and future experiences.  It really makes you think doesn’t it?

The Future spans a moment from now to years.  The future reflects the present and how we have chosen to react or grow from our past.  Many people feel life just happens to them regardless of their choices and desires.  And yes, it does if you are not paying attention, taking responsibility for your part, growing, and investing your energy into your choices.  Our future may never look exactly as we picture it, but if we are aware and aligning our ego with God and our divine purpose, living in the moment, growing from our past, it will be exactly what we need it to be or better. 

This week, take a little walk down memory lane.  Can you see how events in your past molded your fears?  What are you currently creating in your life?  What choices are you making today?  How would you like to create your future?

I Choose to Live in Awareness—Past, Present and Future.

My Past is Simply a Reference Point Guiding Me to what I would Like to Create.

I Choose to Grow from My Past and Invest My Energy in New Choices.

This Moment and My Choice to “Live Love—Be Love” Creates My Future.

I Choose to Live the Love and Positivity I want to Be.

I Align My Ego with Divine Purpose and Choose to Consciously Live in the Moment.

I Create My Life.


5-Releasing Fear—Desire, Imagination and the Law of Correspondence


3-Understanding the Energy of Fear and How it Affects our Life