It is amazing the amount of energy we give to regret. We often experience regret in regards to the choices we have made, our actions, and/or opportunities we feel we have missed. Regret lives in the past. Our past is simply a reference point for what we want to create in the moment. Regret is an opportunity to choose new or change our behavior.
As humans lacking the ability to see the outcome of our choices and actions we often begin to fear the responsibility of choice. We are afraid that we may not make the “right” choice. Remember that we are here to grow and experience life on earth. We will not always make the appropriate choices, but the universe is ever guiding us on our path. Through connection with Universal Light, choosing to listen to our intuition and guidance, we grow in wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to gain higher knowledge and/or reason and make it a part of our daily life. It is living our higher truth.
I have counseled many in regards to the feeling of lost opportunities in the work place. It is easy to get caught up in regret. If we miss an opportunity, we must ask if it was truly the right choice for us? We may need to grow before the opportunity is truly ours. If the desire remains strong and is in alignment with our path, the universe will bring a similar opportunity.
The regret of harming another through our words (often reactive) and/or actions is a call for change. Regret is an opportunity to look at ourselves and choose to grow. Once you’ve made the choice to change, do not dwell as it will keep you from moving forward. When we attach to regret it often creates a cloud of energy within our heart. Forgive your regrets.
This week in meditation look at your regrets. Did you grow? Where did your choice lead you? Is it really a regret? If so, can you now forgive? Let it move into the light. What would you like to grow or create now?
During the month of July we are planting foundational seeds for awakening and healing the heart of mankind. Weekly articles for growth and release are available under Inspiration beginning this month with Emotional Trauma or Hurt.
Under Our World, Our Life: July…Awakening the Heart of Man
Meditation: July World Light: Awakening the Heart of Man audio. This guided healing meditation explores those energies causing blockage or heavy energy within the heart then lifting into service for humanity.