Emotional Trauma, Letting Go-1

We often walk unaware of the energy we are vibrating out into our world. We can have blocked energies buried deep within our field that can affect our physical, mental and emotional health. We may find ourselves in repeat mode in regards to the energies and conditions we draw in our relationships and jobs as a result of what we are energetically vibrating either consciously or unconsciously. If we want to draw more or something new then we must grow in consciousness.

During the month of July we are focusing on releasing energies that often create blockages or heavy clouds of energy within the heart chakra. See the article, July World Light, Awakening the Heart of Mankind under Our World, Our Life. Our July World Light Meditation under meditation will aid in the release of heart blocks. It will also be of service to our world as we come together to visualize the awakening heart of mankind.

This week we will begin our series by looking at the energy of emotional trauma affecting the heart chakra. Our goal is to open our heart, clear the energy, connect and let our true light shine.

Emotional trauma can range from physical, mental or emotional abuse to experiences of perceived hurt by another that affects us deeply. Often when we are hurt, we close our heart in response to the emotional pain. Each time we revisit it with emotion and judgment, we add another layer of heavy energy. We overcome, forgive and grow by moving into the light of our heart and asking to feel the energy of unconditional love. It is within this heart flame that the energy can be transformed as we call forth the power of healing light.

A few words of wisdom as we begin the process of releasing hurt and emotional trauma:

*You are a Child of God. You are loved without condition. God does not judge. We judge ourselves.

*Our feelings matter but we can not move forward if we are drowning in emotion. When we become attached to our feelings they become emotions. Feminine emotion=ego in motion.

*Life is an opportunity to rise above and grow through our experiences.

*There are as many perceptions of an experience or situation as there are individuals in the world. We don’t have to be on the same page or prove that our perception is the right one.

*Forgiveness is key. We must desire forgiveness not just for another but for ourselves, releasing us from the energy and the karmic or repetitive cycle. True Forgiveness can take time, but the eventual gift of freedom is life changing.

The first step in the release of emotional trauma or hurt is the willingness to look at it followed by a desire to let it go, to grow and create something new. We grow through the realization of our true desire or the gift we received from the experience. Truth is found when we are able to step out of the emotions of the situation and into the light of unconditional love. Love walks us to wisdom. Wisdom creates inner peace.

*This week in meditation begin by taking deep gentle breaths in to the count of 5 and releasing the energies of the day as you exhale 3 times.

*Call forth your master teacher, guides and healing angels.

*Then begin to breathe seeing your heart opening and a flame of light within. If you can not see the light in your heart, begin by imagining a flickering candle.

*See the light growing and allow it to flow through your body.

*From this space of light, ask if there is any emotional trauma or hurt currently residing within your heart? Allow the energy to come, observe it. What role did you play? Have you grown? How has it held you back? Has it allowed you to move into a new direction?

*Feel your desire to release the energy and/or pain. Can you allow yourself to forgive? Forgiveness must always come from a space of love…self or others.

*See the experience and subsequent heavy energy moving into the healing light of the flame to be transformed into light energy. As you release it, see the light growing around the flame. You are whole and free.

*Journal. You may find that each day you find something new you are holding or you may revisit the same energy, continuing to bring in transforming light.

Suggestion: If you are going to use the World Light Meditation to aid you each week in your release, do not go beyond the subject of that week. In other words, do the part this week for Emotional Trauma-Hurt and then gently follow the light back into your chair, remembering to ground your energy by seeing roots from your feet moving down into the earth.


The Flame Within My Heart Grows Brighter Each Day.

I Choose Love.


Releasing Regret-2


Serving GOD, Serving SELF-5