
We always hear that we must live in the moment. This is absolutely true as each moment becomes our past and creates our future. The energy we hold in each moment creates the energy around our memories and colors future creations. Through living awareness our choices become less reactive and more proactive.

If we are living in the past or in the future, we are missing life. But, in the process of growth, taking healthy time to consciously reflect upon the past without judgement, allows us choice as we create our future. We may see how each experience led us to growth and opportunity or we may see a repetitive pattern in our life, a lesson in which we have not claimed the gift of understanding and new choice. Our past patterns fuel our future desires for change.

In this time of social distancing many have been offered the opportunity for moments of healthy reflection. Quiet meditative moments of reflection allow us opportunity to release old energies, renew in the light, and choose what we would like to grow and experience…a new hobby, a new job, or new qualities such as non-judgment, being more present, greater love and so on. Your life is your canvas and only you can choose the colors and content.

This week, take some time for quiet reflection. Remember, that every experience is an opportunity for growth.


My past choices have brought me to this moment. My past patterns are an opportunity to let go and create new. My life is my canvas.


Healing in Nature

