
Courage is not simply the precursor to an act of bravery in the face of adversity. It takes courage everyday to not be swept away in a world that lives and breathes over dramatization and cultivation of the energy of fear. But, the good news is that we have choice. We can not hold the vibration of love and fear in the same moment. True Courage is the ability to consciously choose a higher vibration of love in the face of fear and adversity. Love always walks us to higher truth and wisdom.

To grow our courage is to grow our inner truth and relationship with the unconditional love of God and our Higher Self or Spirit. As we grow in truth, we grow in trust, knowing that we live in a loving and supportive universe. Every time we choose love over fear we are not only opening our hearts to the many blessings of life, but we are working for the good of the whole.

I see a world filled with beautiful heart lights and I invite you to walk in awareness this week courageously choosing love in the face of your fears, whether its the fear of not having enough, being enough, or being swept away in the illusive energies of the world.


I Courageously Choose Love to Light my Way to Higher Truth.




The Illusion of Separation….