Serving GOD, Serving SELF-5

Think about what any good and loving parent desires for their child…To grow, to become responsible, to give back, to love and be loved. Now amplify what we believe to be unconditional love, removing the ego of human expectation, judgments and fear. God loves without condition and desires the very best for each of his/her children.

So, what does it mean to Serve God?  The energy of service is a free flowing exchange of giving and receiving, of desire and fulfillment, of growth and evolution. The energy of true service is an energy of love.

We Serve God by choosing to share our hearts and our light with others. By walking in kindness, compassion, non-judgment and forgiveness.  When we judge another as weak, less than, poor, or a victim of life we are adding energy to their experience. We Serve God by seeing the inner light and potential of all.

We Serve God through community as we each work together sharing our gifts, talents and abilities for the good of the whole. We Serve God by being the voice of love. The voice of fight and fear amplifies the existing energy.

We Serve God and our Higher SELF, our spirit that is always connected to the energy and consciousness of light, by listening to our inner desires and choosing to grow and evolve through each experience on our path in life. We serve by choosing to walk in honest awareness of self, observing what and how we are creating in this life. Then by taking the initiative to choose to open and grow our connection and guidance though prayer and meditation. Now choosing to create from a space of wisdom or higher reasoning mind.

We each Serve GOD by Serving SELF vs our ego self, learning to Overcome, Become, and Be the light within.

This week, take time to observe self without judgment or guilt and ask what you can do to serve GOD-SELF on your spiritual path of growth. Meditate, Connect and Be the Change you want to See.


As I Choose to Grow in Awareness and

Connection to My Higher SELF,

I Serve God and Mankind.


Emotional Trauma, Letting Go-1


Focus to Accomplish-4