9-Releasing Fear—Setting Realistic Goals

By now, we should be starting to get a pretty good idea of our fears as well as where fear may be hiding, dictating our beliefs, emotions and actions.  Our limiting fear may lie in lack of money, things or greed—not being seen or being visible—feeling helpless, a victim or needing to control, a savior—feeling insecure, inadequate or undeserving.  Maybe we fear being alone, loneliness, poor health, loss of another or death.  A common fear is that of the unknown, change, being different, or fear of others that are different. 

When we begin to really look at our fears and how to master or release them, it can feel overwhelming.  The path is different for each individual, yet common threads apply—a desire to grow and let go, living awareness, love, and gratitude—opening to know our spiritual self or true identity through prayer, meditation and finding our perfect teacher or inspiration.

While some are equipped to let go and immediately accept and follow through with change on many levels, others do best with gradual changes.  Our goal is long term change, to transfer our energy input from negative fear-based belief, thought, emotion, feeling and action to positive love-based energy.  It begins with creating new habits. Here are a few suggestions that may help you on your journey to setting goals and experiencing a more abundant life. 

I Am Choosing…

To begin and end each day with prayer, asking for release of fear and negativity on all levels and filling the body physical, mental, emotional and spiritual with the vibration of unconditional love and light.

To Live an attitude of gratitude which always guides us within to our heart light.

To avoid charged negativity and opinions

*News media

*Violent and or horror TV shows and books (especially before bed as the energy sits in our field at a time when our body is trying to heal from the day)

*Negative or victim energy of friends, family and co-workers that drain our energy of positivity (energy vampires).  Consciously choose to hold a higher energy of love without synching into the energy.  If this doesn’t work, you may need to limit time spent with them or let them go until they grow. 

*Negative social media

To understand that instilling fear is a tactic used as a means of uniting, getting everyone on board and controlling by media and certain individuals.  As an example, politicians, media.  We must learn to listen with awareness and our higher reasoning mind.

To avoid judgement knowing that we are all growing and working on different things in our lives.  We are all children of God.  We are connected.  If one is harmed, all are harmed. 

To meditate frequently and listen to inner guidance as to what is mine to do.

To see the beauty in our world and the goodness in people vs their flaws.

To give to life…love, kindness, compassion vs take from life.  As we give, so shall we receive.

To be open to receive that which is mine by divine right.

To thrive on abundant life vs thrive on drama and chaos.  Participation in drama and chaos is a choice. 

To value our light and what we have to offer to the whole.  We are unique, beautiful Children of God.  We are Love, not the fear and limitation we have created.  Let our heart light shine for the world!

To act on improving my vision of self, my skills and so on as I grow in confidence and self reliance.

To have faith that God’s greatest wish for mankind is the fulfillment of our happiness, love, peace, joy and abundance. We are supported.  We are surrounded with guides, teachers and angels working on the fulfillment of our desires once permission is given.

To take action with my health through diet, exercise, meditation, fluids and a positive outlook.  Balance is key to a healthy life.  Decreasing stress through meditation, following our passions, enjoying nature, music, laughter and nurturing our sense of peace and joy aids in the healing process of our body, mind and spirit.

To get out of my comfort zone and make new friends, date, join a group of people who enjoy similar hobbies, or participate in a charity action group.  There are many mays to meet people, alleviate loneliness and give back at the same time.

To take classes and-or read books of inspiration for healing, growth, wisdom and comfort (eg. if death is a fear than choose some books on near death experiences or messages from the other side).

Remember, as our energy shifts from fear and negativity to love and a positive attitude we begin to draw more positive energy into our lives through the law of Attraction.  As we begin to see ourselves as abundant sharing freely with the world, we draw abundance.

This week, begin a goal list.  How would you like to move forward on your journey to decrease fear and negativity in your life?  What beliefs would you like to change?  What would you like to accomplish?  What goals would you like to set?  What actions would you like to take first, second and so on.  Use the power of Affirmation to aid in the shifting of energy.


10-Releasing Fear—Responsibility and Trust


8-Releasing Fear—Opening to Abundance