10-Releasing Fear—Responsibility and Trust
When we are choosing to work with God (Creator, the Universe) whether it be in releasing the fear we have created or building our dreams, we are aligning our will with higher will and divine purpose. We are creating a partnership. And as in any successful partnership, we must trust in ourselves, taking responsibility for our part, and trust in another to do theirs. This is a co-creative relationship.
The first step in taking responsibility in the quest of mastering and beginning to let go of our secondary fears is acknowledging the journey in creating them through our experiences, the experience of others, media and the traditions we were raised with. It does not mean we have to relive every experience that led us here but acknowledge the pattern. An experience is simply a step in the process of our growth. It does not define us. The outcome of one experience should not dictate the outcome of another similar situation. We choose our response. In acknowledging that they have been created, we can pull our energy or power back to self vs give it to fear.
Secondly, it requires taking responsibility to become consciously aware—catching ourselves when we feel our fears rising to the surface and choosing love or a higher vibration in the moment—or when we do slip and react out of fear, observing self and confirming our choice to embody a higher level of vibration. This is growth.
If we want to step out of negative fear-based energy, we must take responsibility to decrease the amount of negativity in our daily life thru media, movies, books and low vibration energies that deplete and/or incite our inner fear until we have mastered self. This does not mean we get rid of jobs and loved ones in our life—remember as we lift those around us lift. But we can choose where and who we want to spend our time with. True friends will wish to grow with you or understand if you need to distance yourself for a while.
Mastering and releasing fear requires us to be responsible by taking time to Pray and Meditate, seeking insight, clarity and guidance on our walk to knowing self. The more we choose to have faith and trust in our partner to walk with us, through the daily challenges of life, the more fear falls away enabling us to “Let Go and Let God.”
Though there are many things that we all must do in the mastering and release of fear, there are responsibilities that will be specific to each of us. The fears we have created from childhood to adulthood vary. Our uniqueness of experience extends into our fears.
This week let’s meditate on what we need to do regarding being responsible on our individual quest to pull our energy from negativity to positivity.
I Choose to take Responsibility. I Choose a Brighter Path and Positive Influence, Knowing that I Create My Life.
I Choose to Align My Will with Higher Will, Let Go and Respond to Situations with Love and Wisdom.
My Experiences are Simply Steps in the Process of my Growth…My Journey to Knowing SELF.
I Choose My Response to any Situation. One Experience does not Dictate the Outcome of a Similar Experience.
I Let Go of Lower Vibration and Negativity that Incite Fear. I Choose Courage, Peace and Love to Fill My Life.
I Trust in My Intuition and Spiritual Guidance.
I Trust in Divine Love and Higher Truth.