5-Releasing Fear—Desire, Imagination and the Law of Correspondence

Awareness is an elemental part of each step in our growth process.  It is only through awareness that we can uncover our true desire.  Many times, we only think we want what others desire.  True desire is always in alignment with “our” perfect path.  We begin to release our fears through a heartfelt desire to… 

*Know our true self (love), and to rise above the fear and the many masks that have been created. 

*Change the effect that our energy has on the world and the people around us.

*Release some of the chaos and drama in our life.

*Gain greater knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to take that knowledge and make it a part of our daily creative life.

*Connect and feel the love and support of Universal Light, God.

We are creators.  Creating something new, begins with a desire and the ability to imagine ourselves stepping into that which we desire.  It is sometimes difficult to see the exact vision of what we would like to create in the world.  It begins with creating the energy in your life that you would like to feel in your creation.  We often grow into our creations.  As we grow, the vision often becomes clearer. 

The Universal Law of Correspondence states that, The vision is always present, we just have to step into it…

*For every thought, question, idea, or desire, there is always an immediate corresponding answer in divine mind.

*Every thought can immediately become a thing.

*Every desire is immediately fulfilled.

*The question and the answer are simultaneous.

*Any idea has a corresponding idea in substance.

*So, the vision is already here, we just have to step into it.

*Examples:  Inventors and great musicians

In other words, if we desire to shift from the energy of fear and into the energy of love, the mold (vision and the how) is already formed within Divine Mind or God consciousness.  The moment permission is given Universal support surrounds us ready and anxious to aid in the fulfilling of our dreams.

This week imagine yourself free of your fears.  Feel your desire to let love guide you in your creations and daily life.  See yourself as Love. This is your true self. Know that your desire has already been set into motion.


My Desire for a Fuller Life, Free of Man-Made Fear is Here, I Am Ready to Step into it.

God and Universal Light, Supports and Provides. 

I Choose to Release the Drama and Chaos in My Life.

I Choose to be a Positive Influence for my Loved Ones and the World.

I Desire to Know My True Self, Rising Above Fear and the Many Masks I have Created.

I Choose to Live My Authentic Self and Open My Mind to Higher Wisdom and Love.


6-Releasing Fear—Faith and Prayer


4-Releasing Fear: Living Awareness—Past, Present and Future