When we are trying to change anything in our life, everything that does not vibrate with the new change begins to show its head. In the journey of letting go of fear, we are trying to grow energies that support that change such as greater love, harmony, support, confidence, balance and/or Joy in our life. These energies of abundance bring us closer to knowing our true self. For example, if we are trying grow greater…
Love—everything less than love that lives within our energy such as hate, anger, resentment, impatience, etc. may rise to the surface for review.
Peace and Harmony—dramas and chaos may arise.
Support—feelings of not being supported may surface.
Confidence—insecurity may arise.
Balance—feeling off balance, chaos, drama may surface.
Joy—feelings of stagnation, frustration, unhappiness, etc may suddenly hit us.
The chaos that ensues from our desire to grow varies with our individual energy, based upon our unique experiences. This universal process is not in any way meant as punishment for past choices but as an opportunity to choose our new level of desire and awareness. If we choose to react vs choose a higher vibration, it can lead to multiple opportunities to choose.
What we resist, will persist! Because we are investing or feeding it with our energy. This is the Universal Law of Non-Resistance. We want life to flow without attaching to it (Some not only attach to their own experiences but the experiences of others, multiplying unnecessary chaos). We need to learn to have a passive or pass through state of mind vs a reactive state of mind—to allow our experiences and the experiences of others safe passage through our mind—to become the choosers, the creators of life vs the reactors to life.
In supporting our new choice to master and/or release our fear, choosing positive abundance, it is helpful to understand that LOVE, PEACE and JOY are not only states of consciousness but actual vibrations that we can call forth at any moment. These vibrations are a gift of the Christ, “My Love, My Peace, My Joy—I give to you.”
This week, find a quiet space, sit and begin to breathe… Feel your body begin to relax. Feel your fears melting away. Chaos and Frustration melting away. Then ask to feel the vibration of Divine Love…Sit in it and allow your thoughts and feelings free passage through your mind—do not attach—continue to feel the love. Repeat with Joy and Peace.
I Choose Growth and Divine Abundance.
I Am Peace and Harmony.
I Am Confident in My Abilities Knowing that I Am Supported on My Path.
I Choose to Create Balance on All Levels in My Life.
As Energies Resurface, I Realize it is an Opportunity to Choose New…I Choose Love, Kindness, Patience, Wisdom, Joy, Peace and Balance. I Choose to Express My True Self.
What I Resist or React to…will Persist. I Choose to Pull My Energy Out of Drama, Chaos and Things I do not Wish to Create in My Life.