12-Releasing Fear—Living an Attitude of Gratitude

True Gratitude always takes us to our heart, allowing us to feel the love of our inner spirit and appreciation for the creative process as well as the many gifts of life.  In that moment of gratitude, we are pulled away from the drama, chaos and fear and into a sense of peace and connection—to spirit, our world and/or humanity.

In the journey of releasing fear, gratitude plays a major role.  As a step in the co-creative process, it confirms our sense of faith, commitment and knowing that the process is occurring or is as good as here.  

To live an attitude of gratitude is a way of life.  The choice may require growth and expansion.  But as a result, it changes our life not only in perception, but in that which we draw to ourselves. It opens our hearts to receive the blessings of an abundant life as well as the manifest of our desires. 

Some Tips for Living an Attitude of Gratitude…

G rowing our sense of awareness by opening our eyes and hearts.

R ealizing the abundance of beauty within life and our earth.

 A sking to feel, know, and experience our passion, our joy and the many blessings that fill our life.

T aking time to step back, look around and smell the roses.

I nspiring others as we walk aware and connected.

T ransforming old beliefs and traditions that no longer work in our lives by letting go and letting God.

U nderstanding we are all growing and there are as many paths of growth as individual perception.

D iscovering who we are as children of God, eternal, safe and loved beyond words. 

E xperiencing life and relationship to its fullest.

This month, lets open our heart in Gratitude for the Blessings in our life. Let gratitude spill over into our year—the change we want to be.


God, Thank You for Clarity as I Choose to Let Go of My Fear.

My Heart Opens in Gratitude as I Give Thanks for the Gift of Free Will and Choice, Allowing Me to Create not only My World but Myself in the World.

I See Myself Free from the Fears I have Created. I Give Thanks and Know that I am Supported as a Child of God.

Thank You God for the Opportunity to Grow and Become the Love We Wish to Be, Sharing it Freely with the World.

My Heart is Open in an Energy of Gratitude. I Receive Life’s Abundant Blessings. Thank You God.

Thank You God for the Joy that Fills My Life.

Thank You God for the Beauty of Nature and Taking Time to Smell the Roses.

Thank You God for the Peace and Harmony that Lives within Me.

Thank You God for Patience and Understanding.

Thank You God for Free Will and the Opportunity to Explore Life, Relationships and Self.


11-Releasing Fear—Navigating the Chaos and the Law of Non-Resistance