Connecting with Nature through Meditation

All life has consciousness…a plant, a tree, a squirrel, the earth. We’ve all heard stories about how plants grow when we talk to them or play soft music. Our true eternal nature is that of Spirit, Soul, Consciousness. We are surrounded with angelic beings and teachers available to guide us as we create life. These light beings vibrate at a higher frequency, often making them invisible to the human eye. Just as there are higher planes of existence for the plane of humanity, there are higher planes of existence and guiding forces for the world of nature. Some of the light energies in the natural world include Pan (over-seer of nature), Healing Devas (angels) and Fairies. The Archangel Ariel is the Angel of Nature that creates a bridge of trust between our worlds. Just as I work very closely with the Angelic realm in healing with people, I work closely with the spirit realm of nature in my work with animals. There are so many ways to connect and experience nature through Open Meditation.

In this meditation, we are lifting and opening ourselves not only to our connection with the physical realm, but inviting communication with the spiritual realm of nature as well. This is a beginning guideline for healing and communication.

Meditation with Nature

Find a comfortable space outside, void of excessive noise if possible. Take a few moments to really listen to the sounds of nature and feel the energy. Let the sounds of man and machine move through your mind without attention.

Close your eyes and begin to Breathe in to the count of 4-5, hold a second, and slowly release the energies of the day. Do this 3 times or until you begin to feel yourself relax.

See a beautiful healing light come over you. Now see it fanning out to create a giant cone, creating a sacred space within nature. Breathe in the light calling forth the Archangel Ariel, Jesus or your Master Teacher, your Higher Self, Guides and Angels. Feel and See your heart open and your inner light growing.

Breathe in the light that surrounds you, taking your focus to the body, see it slowing filling with healing light from the toes up. Feel this energy.

Now call forth a loving pink energy from mother earth. Allow this healing energy to move into the feet and up through the cells of your body mingling with the white light. Remember, we are of Spirit (Heaven) and Earth (Mineral). Just allow yourself to be bathed in these energies.

Invite Pan, the Healing Devas, and other Nature Spirits into the cone of light. Open your heart and sense of awareness. Feel the energy around you. Eyes closed, allow your inner vision to open. If you see a nature spirit, communicate with it. Some spirits are very inquisitive and playful. If you do not see anything, do not be dismayed as they are often very shy. Stay in this energy as long as you would like and journal if you wish.

Send an arc of light from your heart to a nearby tree. Feel the energy. Ask questions about the tree. Is it a masculine or feminine energy? How old is the tree? What does the tree enjoy? Dislike? Does it have a message for you? Feel your love and gratitude. When you are finished call the arc of light back to your heart.

See the cone dissolving when you are ready. Give thanks to the all the beings of light as you release them. Feel yourself fully aware and grounded. Breathe in the Universal Life Force that is everywhere present.

*This is a little baseline for connection with nature. Remember that all life has consciousness and a gift to give. Love and feel your gratitude and nature will respond positively to your energy. It may take time to grow this connection and trust, but it is well worth the effort. May the Peace and Oneness of Nature be Yours.


Meditation of Healing Light-Body Systems Audio


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