This month, under Our World, Our Life, we are “Harvesting Abundance”. We have given ourselves permission, prepared the soil and nurtured our desired seedlings for living our abundance. Whether we are calling forth and growing the strings of our inner truth into wisdom, love, peace, joy, or creative potential, we soon become aware that the universe not only supplies us with wonderful support, but with opportunities to grow and claim our desires.
To grow, sustain and multiply our experience we must choose to expand our current level of consciousness in regards to abundance. This is a necessary step to sustain it in our outer world. We also choose to grow other strings that support and create the perfect key. As an example, unconditional love knows patience, compassion and forgiveness.
To grow abundance requires a commitment to awareness, conscious choice, and doing our part to nourish and sustain our growth. Eventually, we perfect or tune each string to the perfect vibration of the prominent key. We create a pattern of keys that work together to create the perfect cord of abundance in the melody of our lives. Simplified examples:
*To grow, sustain and multiply our inner truth into the key of walking wisdom requires that we also grow in love, clarity, and absolute or universal truth. It requires us to listen to our higher reasoning mind vs outer reasoning and act upon it. We must take time to meditate. We may choose to take classes to increase our ability to seek inner guidance or grow our intuitive awareness during meditation.
*To grow, sustain and multiply our vibration of inner peace into the experience of outer life, we must learn to let go of the energy of fight through choices and opportunities presented. We grow the strings of love and clarity to expanded truth and higher reasoning mind to aid in the release of fight within and without. We may grow the string of non-judgment or acceptance of others on their path of growth. We may grow the string of forgiveness. We take time for prayer, meditation and self care to reduce unnecessary (that which is not mine to do) stress and drama. As we grow each supportive string we begin to vibrate in the key of peace.
*To sustain and multiply our prosperity and ease of money flow in and out, we must grow to hold in consciousness the inner knowing of God as Source. We may grow the string of wisdom understanding universal principle and law (law of giving and receiving, law of increase, law of tithing, law of manifestation, law of attraction, law of correspondence, rhythm, etc). We may nurture and grow our string of creative potential. We choose to walk in awareness, catching ourselves when we dip down into a consciousness of lack.
To Multiply Abundance in our Lives is to Choose to Nurture our Inner Desires and Sustain our Journey of Growth to Knowing Self and God.
This week, lets walk in awareness of our choices and the opportunities presented to us for growth. Example, if you are growing peace, did the universe bring you an opportunity (energy of discord or fight) that required you to choose or maintain peace within or to share it with others? Can you identify other strings of growth occurring? Lets take time to meditate and Journal.
I Am Abundant___________
All Strings Come Together to Create the Perfect Key