Last week we talked about Love as the sustenance and foundational energy of living abundance from within to without. Love is the prominent key in the melody of living abundance and the true nature of our spirit.
Our Spirit is One with God and Universal Abundance. Deep within we hold every attribute of God that we search for in the outer world. We know the vibration of unconditional love, peace, joy, strength, oneness, universal truth and creative potential. As we call it forth from our inner being or core, nurture and grow this energy in our lives, we also call it forth in the world around us.
For a seed not only to become a seedling, but to flourish requires nurturing. To nurture is to care for or encourage the growth of something. True or unconditional love is energetically the highest vibration. Not only do we plant the seeds of our inheritance as children of God in love, but we nurture and sustain our growth as we continue to call forth and choose love.
We also care for and encourage the seedlings of our desires (joy? peace? creative potential?) by taking the time for prayer and meditation. We place ourselves in nurturing environments or with like minded individuals that encourage our growth. For example…
*If I want to grow greater joy in my world, I call forth the vibration of joy within. I choose to feel it in meditation. I choose to embody it, to be joy. I choose to see it in my life. I choose to do things in my life that I know nourish and spark the vibration of my inner sense of joy (be with family, watch comedies vs negative energy tv shows, engage in a sport or activity I love.) I choose to be with joyful people that support and encourage my joy. I choose not to sync my energy into fear based thoughts and words of others, but instead see them surrounded in love and light.
*If I’m choosing to grow confidence in my life, I call it forth in the form of knowing who I AM. Calling forth my inner strength and feeling it. Calling forth my inner creative potential to power my unique gifts. Asking what they are and what is mine to do to grow them. I ask the universe for outer support. I give of my talents and abilities. I encourage confidence in others and accept their encouragement. I realize that I am, We are all, growing into living our full potential and abundance.
*If I want to grow inner peace, not only am I going to work on choosing love in the face of fear, but Im going to nurture the energy by committed prayer and meditation. I am going to release or tune out the news and energies of fight until I reach a place of growth that I can hold my higher energy or vision. When we sync into fight or fear, we create more fight and fear.
As we choose to grow each string of our core (inner attributes) in support of our desires, we create the perfect keys, patterns of cords begin to form throughout our life drawing greater opportunity and growth. Soon we are creating our unique and perfect melody.
This week, choose the string/strings that you want to grow and vibrate in your life. Nurture them with Love and Awareness. What can you do to further nurture (care for and encourage) this attribute? Create your own affirmation depending on what you want to grow.