Heartfelt Prayer is asking for that which we desire for ourselves or others and releasing it to the universe with permission granted (for ourselves—it is up to an individual soul whether they are open to receive the gift of your prayer).
Meditation is connecting with God or Creator, our higher spirit, guides, teachers, and angels to receive guidance, healing, release, balance, relaxation, teachings and information retrieval in regards to oneself, our world and others (if permission is given). Meditation usually goes hand in hand with Prayer when working in the higher realms.
Just as we have formed many layers of fear through our experiences and teachings, Meditation allows us to begin releasing those fears through intention and healing vibration. Many of us will release the vibration of fear in layers like peeling an onion as we heal the causal energies one by one. Others may hit upon the perfect vibration that releases it all at once. We are all unique in how and why we have formed our fears. The vibrations of Light and Divine Love are constant in their ability to heal. We (our will, choice, faith and level of awareness) are the wild card.
Meditation can allow us to receive guidance on that which we desire and ask for. I tell my students ask, ask, ask. If a message is not clear, ask again. The answers we seek may or may not come during the meditation. Again, our awareness is crucial—Being in the moment, observing self and those around us, being open to receive the answers and listening with our heart. They may come in a simple word, but always in an energy of love. They may come thru the voice of a friend, teacher or an experience.
The more we begin to understand our true or spiritual self, a self of love and knowing, the easier it is to release the energies that have created limitation in our life. Remember that our primary fears are those that keep us from physical harms way. Our emotional and learned fears often are created to protect us mentally and emotionally but can easily become overstated limiting the fullness of our experiences and our life. In meditation, a space created in the realm of love and light, we ask for understanding and release of those fears that limit us, as well as for guidance on what steps we should take in the process.
The importance of learning to meditate or utilizing your meditation skills regularly cannot be stressed enough if one is seeking change, greater peace, wisdom, balance or healing in their life. It is the journey to greater awareness and knowing self.
This week meditate daily for understanding of the fears you hold and plant seeds of love (peace, balance, abundance, etc) in your garden. For Beginners, see **TIPS FOR MEDITATION under MEDITATION. Practice daily. A New Meditation will be posted the first week in Nov on Releasing Fear.
I Let Go of the Fears I have Created and I Let Love Guide.
Divine Love and Light Heals on all Levels. I Choose to Align My Heart and Mind with the Energy of Divine Perfection.
My Guidance may Present as a Word, an Idea, or an Experience. I Am Open to Receive the Guidance I Need to Hear.
The More We Know Self, the Easier it Becomes to Release the Fears that have Created Limitation in Our Lives. I Choose to Know SELF.
Everything is Connected and I Am Surrounded by Loving Angels, Guides and Teachers that Protect and Guide Me.
I Breathe in Ease and Balance. I Am Present.
I Breathe in Courage and Love. I Am Present