We look around the world and see anger, separation, crime, mental disease, hunger and fear running wild. In this time of media communication and dramatization, it is easy to become caught in a lower vibration of negativity. But, it is important to remember that we all have choice. It is our birthright, the gift of free will. As we grow, regardless of our circumstance and preparation into adulthood, we all have choice and are responsible for our lives, our words and our actions. And even at times when we feel we are thrown into situations that seem less than our ideal, we have choice in how we respond.
One of the foremost laws of the Universe says, “What We Focus on Expands!” This is the Law of Mind Action. If we focus on all the negativity in the world and in our life, guess what? It increases. A positive attitude in life allows for greater flow and blessing.
A positive attitude seems easier to develop for some, while others struggle with the choice. When we are ready to choose positivity, it benefits not only those closest to us, but works for the good of the whole. So, lets talk about 10 important steps or principles to help in the development of greater positivity. Open your mind and choose to explore life and spirituality.
1. Choosing faith, not only in God or a Supreme energy, but in Universal Light and Principle, as well as Self. Faith in self can be tricky until we learn to follow our inner guidance. We often start out in life full of faith in our self and our abilities and life hits…
2. We grow our positivity by realizing that we are spirit growing and experiencing life on earth
3. By realizing that falling short or what we perceive as failure, is simply a step in the growth process, allowing us new choice and opportunity to renew our faith in Self and God if it has dwindled.
4. We grow a positive attitude by giving others a bit of a break, not being at the forefront of judgment. Realizing that we are all growing in this school of life together is a major step. My growth looks different that yours. My Higher Spirit is perfect and so is yours.
5. In order to live positive, we must start by taking responsibility for our choices, actions and words. We often want to switch blame. That is like wearing blinders or switching off the lights, you can’t see where you need to go or grow next.
6. Choosing joy within the ride. Joy in family, friends and learning.
7. Understanding that negativity not only draws more negativity into our lives, but it soon creates and places us in a box that prevents us from seeing the light until we choose to step out.
8. Opening our mind and energy to new experiences, opportunities and people.
9. We grow to know positivity by living in awareness of each moment, not dwelling on the past. The past is an experience that brought you to this moment and this choice in time. This moment, this choice, creates my future.
10. Living an attitude of gratitude opens us to positive blessings and joy in life supporting our positive nature.
You are a positive being. Your higher spirit is void of negativity. So, lets let those lights shine. Lets experience the beauty of our earth, the excitement of creation and the relationships that fill our life.
Grow Your Positivity…
Let Your Faith Grow
And Know that You are Spirit
Accept that Life is Growth
And Allow Others to Grow
Take Responsibility for your Choices, Words and Actions
Choose Joy in the Experience of Life,
Step Out of the Box of Negativity You have Created,
And Open Yourself to New Ideas, Experiences, Opportunities and People
Live Aware and in the Moment
Live an Attitude of Gratitude
Let Your Positivity, Be Your Gift to Mankind.
May Your Journey to a Positive Attitude and Life, Be Blessed with Love, God’s Abundance and Ease.