In Search of the Heart of Humanity: 21 Tips for Nourishing our Heart
In the midst of Individuality, Freedom and Change, it can feel as though the world has lost its sense of heart. We currently face a world with strongly opposing opinion, anger and fear. We sometimes feel an inability to understand, as we not only see humanity harming one another with words, but also with their actions. We are experiencing the growing pains of humanity.
Within the Heart of the Universe, We are One. Within the heart of man (soul), we are choosing and growing to become one on earth. It is up to each individual to choose to awaken the light within, grow and nourish that growth daily. It is the responsibility of parents to teach and nourish the hearts of their babies, creating loving and caring adults.
Our Individuality and Freedom is absolutely necessary for our growth, but it pulls us in many directions of opportunity. It is up to us to embrace what is right for our individual path while focusing on the good of the whole. As we choose to grow and nourish our heart, we grow and nourish the collective heart of humanity.
True Peace is only found within the light of unconditional love. We all can learn to connect with a space of pure love and peace within. I was a type A individual, perfectionist and some say overachiever. I knew I was just following my path, but needless to say, I spilt myself in many directions. As an empath, I was also a magnet for stress. One of the most stressful scenarios for me is having workmen in my space due to a crazy, to the point of comical, 9 month basement renovation years ago. I am also extremely sensitive to sound. This week I had my roof replaced. I was able to meditate and write stress free with all the pounding above my head. If I can do it so can you! Here are 21 of my favorite tips to nourish and grow our heart light.
To Nourish your Heart,
(1) Accept, that You are the Chooser of Your Life,
You are the chooser of your life, regardless of circumstance or karma. It is really about how we choose to walk and grow our life path. We can choose to re-act or act to create new. We can choose to walk in love or the many faces of fear.
(2) Enjoy Life!
Find your Joy. Every moment is not going to be our idea of perfect, but we can find light within all situations. It rests within our heart 24-7. Joy is a vibration of light. It becomes active in our life with choice.
(3) Be Aware of your Thoughts, Words, Actions and Experiences.
If we are not in the moment, life is just happening which can lead to a feeling of stagnation. Being aware in the moment allows us to see life and our interactions. It allows us choice that we miss otherwise. It allows us to capture the gifts and place them in our memory box.
(4) Let Go of Living in or Over-Focusing on the Past or Future.
The past is a reference or reflection point of how we want to grow and what we want to create next. There is a gift in every experience whether we realize it or not. It may be simply to choose another way than that which we were taught or experienced. A healthy focus on the future allows us to create our vision, but it is in this moment that the future becomes.
(5) Commit to the Release and/or Healing of Resentment, Hurt, Regret and Grief
Begin with Forgiveness of self and others. These energies can cause blockages within the heart. They can also trigger the shutdown of our heart light and isolate us from life.
(6) Let Go of Fear, Victim Identity, Drama, Anger and Judgment.
They bubble up and cloud the heart as well. They create physical stress and disease. Judgment creates attachment. Fear, renders us immobile. Drama draws more drama. To release, see a column of light coming over you and let these energies move into the light daily…Letting Go and Letting God.
(7) Step Out of Negative Situations and Friendships
They deplete and pull our energy down. If they are important friendships, resume them once you feel you can hold a higher vibration. This includes letting go of negative and frightening media sources. For me it’s the news. I’d rather read what is going on than subject myself to all the angst and opinion. You have no idea how negativity affects you energetically! Replace it with positive and life affirming energy.
(8) Ask and Confirm Universal Support.
You are a child of God. As any Father, Mother of Love, Universal light is there to support. Walk awake to see the universe in action and Trust.
(9) Grow and Confirm an Attitude of Gratitude.
True Gratitude opens the heart to Joy. Feel your gratitude for the little things in life daily and watch your attitude of gratitude grow, drawing abundant blessings your way.
(10) Choose a Balanced Life.
If I were the head of a company, I would insist on a 4 day work week for all employees. Everyone needs to take time out of family, work, home and activities for self…just plain relaxation and self awareness. We all must learn to prioritize what is important in life. Let go of some of the time wasters and senseless activities that keep you running and stressed.
(11) Give Freely in Accordance with Your Guidance
As we Give, so Shall we Receive.
The attitude in which you give, is the attitude in which you receive, but multiplied. The Joy of Giving opens our heart energy to many blessings of life. There are many ways in which we can give individually and to the whole. We give though prayer, kindness, compassion, work or career, sharing our hobbies or passions, community support, financially, etc. However you choose to give, give freely and joyfully.
(12) Appreciate Moments with Family and Friends.
Be aware of little acts of kindness and support. Be aware of their and your faults and pray for ease in growth. Be aware of what you have learned through these relationships.
(13) Spend Time in the Healing Energy of Nature.
Just as nature energetically nourishes plants and animals in the wild, it also nourishes our energy. Take a few moments to drink in the amazing universal life force of Nature.
(14) Meditate. Meditate. Meditate.
Learn to Connect with God and Your Inner Light.
Your spiritual growth is filled with the greatest return on investment you will ever see. Meditation opens us to higher guidance, self-awareness, healing and amazing relaxation.
(15) Find an Exercise Plan that You Enjoy.
Yoga, biking, walking, running, swimming, stretching, etc. Keep your body moving. Exercise awakens our energy meridians, cells and circulation to provide health, physically, mentally and emotionally.
(16) Find your Passion.
It may be a hobby, a cause, learning something new or a line of work. Passion ignites the heart in Joy.
(17) Look for the Good.
We are all school children of God with many earthly short comings. When we emphasize the negative, we create more negative. When we emphasize the positive we empower. When we positively empower others, we positively empower our world.
(18) Embrace the Things that Make Your Heart Smile.
Children, pets, a walk in the woods, a day at the beach, daily inspirations, etc.
(19) Eat Heart Healthy Foods.
Not only foods with a low glycemic index and lean meats and vegetables, but eat to feed the chakra through color. The Heart energy is green, and it loves all kinds of green vegetables and fruits. Many of the red and purple vegetables and fruits nourish circulation.
(20) Honor Your Body and Energy
Get Plenty of Sleep and Find your Perfect Healing
This body is the house of our spirit. We all have times when our energy is low and we need a little help. I personally find reiki, chakra balancing, color therapy, acupuncture, massage and healing light meditation to work best for me.
(21) Laugh, Dance, and Have Fun!
Laughter is the best medicine. It nourishes the heart and changes our body chemistry. May your dance in life be filled with laughter.
Companion Meditation, Awakening the Heart of Man under Meditation.